“Civil world is the free play of forms-of-life; it is the principle of their coexistence” Tiqqun, Introduction to civil world
Intense migration flows witnessed recently in big cities has been challenging the traditional understanding of the political organization of human living in the urban realm. The unprecedented clash of different forms-of-life due to these changing conditions has established not only a new relationship between inhabitation and the city, but also a redefinition of the key agents in political terms. Latest social unrest in Islamic countries has shown us that contemporary society concerns are not discussed in the traditional parliaments or councils anymore, but in the public spaces of the city itself.
Following this principle, Inter Unit 8 – Politics of fabrication II understands that the coexistence of diverse and conflicting forms-of-life in the contemporary city needs to be readdressed and reframed in the urban ground itself. This implies a new spatial and physical layout of enabling the presence and frictional interaction/negotiation of these forms-of-life of those who share the city. The location chosen is the city of Miami, the major entry point for Latin American immigrants in the United States. In particular, the focus of students work has been the Little Havana neighborhood, for years the epicentre of the political expression of the dominant Cuban immigrants and the most multicultural neighborhoods in the city at the present. In this area a pervading logic of city space privatization has lead to an increasing tension between individuals and groups with different cultural, social, ethnic and economical backgrounds inhabiting the neighborhood. Exploring this particular matter, students have thought about the importance of public space as the necessary space of encounter, interaction and negotiation between these different ways of living now present in the city, and recovering its political value in a contemporary Latin-American metropolis.
Cultural Fridays
Carnival Miami
Little Havana's Free Monthly Arts & Culture Festival
MoMA. NYC. 10 / 3, 2010– 1 / 3, 2011
Nostalgia - Escape from Havana Documentary
Between 1960 and 1962, more than 14,000 Cuban children were secretly flown to the United States to escape Fidel Castro. Parents said goodbye to their children not knowing if they would ever see them again. The airlift over the Florida Straits became known as Operation Peter Pan. In Spanish, Operación Pedro Pan.
Cuban Migration to Miami
Unit Trip Miami Diary
1st Meeting TS tutors
End of the First Term Tutorials
10.30 Francesca
11.00 Eliska
11.30 Adora
12.00 Yiming
2.00 Elora
2.30 Joshua
3.00 Fatemeh
3.30 Anthony
4.30 Yonatan
5.00 Lara
5.30 Dimitri
6.00 Vidhya
Please be on time for each tutorial and bring your unit trip photos with you to create an archive.
Unit Trip Miami
Friday 3rd December
7.00 - 7.30 am Heathrow
9.45 Flight London-Miami American Airlines BA 1526
Hotel Astor
956 Washington Av
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Saturday 11th December
13.00 Miami Airport
Flight Miami-London American Airlines BA1529 17.50
References for the unit trip work
Andreas Gursky
Stephen Shore
Eugene Atget
Readings on Miami
Heike Alberts, “The Multiple Transformations of Miami,” in Smith, Heather and Owen Furuseth, eds. Latinos in the New South: Transformations of Place, Ashgate, 2006, 135-151.
Thomas D. Boswell and James R. Curtis, The Cuban-American Experience: Culture, Images, and Perspectives. Totawa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld, 1983.
David Rieff, The Exile: Cuba in the Heart of Miami. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.
Alejandro Portes and Alex Stepick, City on the Edge: The Transformation of Miami. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.
Maria Cristina Garcia, Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida, 1959-1994. Berkeley: University of California Press.
11.00 Tate Modern
1.00pm Unit trip talk - Unit Space
2.00pm Presentation about Material Organizations
W8_Material Organizations
organizations to build the different political arguments for the end of the term. A
research catalogue for the unit members will be assembled by a collection of
drawings, pictures and models understanding Latin-American traditions on building
constructions and latest material experimentations.
Vaparaiso School, Ciudad Abierta, Chile
Ricardo Porro, Garati, Gottardi, National Schools of Arts, Havana, Cuba
José Cruz Ovalle
Eladio Dieste
Max Borges
Felix Candela
Miguel Fisac
Ricardo Porro, Garati, Gottardi, National Schools of Arts, Havana, Cuba
General Review
10.00 Anthony
10.30 Adora
11.00 Elora
11.30 Eliska
12.00 Talk Material Organizations
2.00 Dimitri
2.30 Yiming
3.00 Joshua
3.30 Francesca
4.00 Fatemeh
4.30 Vidhya
5.00 Yonatan
5.30 Lara
Versailles Restaurant
10.30 Francesca
11.00 Eliska
11.30 Adora
12.00 Fatemeh
2.00 Yiming
2.30 Dimitri
3.00 Anthony
3.30 Lara
4.30 Yonatan
5.00 Elora
5.30 Joshua
6.00 Vidhya
Pin-up Spatial Systems
Tutorials Spatial Systems
10.00 Francesca
10.30 Vidhya
11.00 Yonatan
11.30 Fatemeh
12.00 Dimitri
12.30 Lara
2.00 Eliska
2.30 Adora
3.00 Yiming
3.30 Anthony
4.00 Elora
4.30 Joshua
W7_Spatial systems
Suggested References
Bernard Tschumi, Manhattan transcripts, London: Academy Editions, 1994.
Rem Koolhaas, S, M, L, XL, New York: Monacelli Press, 1995
Zygmunt Bauman Community: Seeking Safety in an Insecure World, Cambridge: Polity, 2001
Saishunkan Seiyaku Women's Dormitory - 1990 to 1991 - Kumamoto, Japan
Tutorials exploring the site
11.00 Lara
11.30 Vidhya
12.00 Eliska
12.30 Yiming
2.00 Anthony
2.30 Elora
3.00 Joshua
3.30 Adora
4.00 Fatemeh
4.30 Dimitri
5.00 Yonatan
5.30 Francesca
TS3 1st Meeting
Please be there on time.
Monday 8th Nov
12.00 Eliska
12.30 Yonatan
Wednesday 10th Nov
2.30 Anthony
3.00 Elora
3.30 Joshua
4.00 Adora
5.00 Vidhya
5.30 Fatemeh
6.00 Lara
6.30 Dimitri
W6_Exploring the Site
Suggested Readings
Erik Swyngedouw, “The zero-ground of politics: musings on the post-political city”, in New Geographies no. 1, pp. 52-61
Bruno Latour, "Introduction", Reassembling the social, An Introduction to Actor-Network Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Hannah Arendt, “The Public and the Private Realm”, in The Human Condition, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1998, pp.22-78
Versailles Restaurant, August 2006
Lecture Daniel Ayat
On Monday 8th November Daniel Ayat will lecture in 36 Rear Ground Presentation room at 10.30.The lecture "Acting in Public" will deal with construction in the public space that will help you as reference for your designs. Please be on time there.
Pin-up Urban Cultures
Tutorials Urban Cultures_2
10.00 Eliska
10.30 Vidhya
11.00 Adora
11.30 Lara
12.00 Joshua
12.30 Dimitri
3.00 Anthony
3.30 Fatemeh
4.00 Elora
5.00 Yiming
5.30 Yonatan
6.00 Francesca
Please be on time with your sketches, models and drawings printed.
Little Havana
Article about the Symposium Alternative Initiatives: Cuba
Reyner Banham LA
Urban Cultures Pin-Down
Wilfredo Lam
Urban Culture Presentations and Lecture
10.30am Lecture "On Miami" by Edgar Gonzalez (BrisacGonzalez Architects)
12.00am Your presentations on Miami
W5_Finding Out About Urban Cultures: Ways of Living
Suggested Readings
Mary McLeod, “Everyday and “other” spaces” in Architecture and Feminism, Princeton Architectural Press, 1996, pp.1-37.
Michael De Certeau: The practice of Everyday Life, University of California Press, Berkeley, California, 1984.
Henri Lefebvre: Critique of Everyday Life, London: Verso, 1991.
Mike Davis: Magical Urbanism, London: Verso, 2000.
Mid-Term Jury
Tutorials 2nd Workshop_3
11 am Yiming/Vidhya
12 am Eliska/Adora
2 pm Yonatan/Eliska
3 pm Anthony/Fatima
4 pm Francesca/Dimitri
5 pm Elora/Lara
Lecture and Tutorials 2nd Workshop_2
Civil Governement in Tarragona, Spain, by Alejandro de la Sota
Tutorials 2nd Workshop
W3- W4 Mediated Governance: Representation, transgression, and re-appropriation
Seminars “Reassessing the Immediate
"Windows” by Francisco Gonzalez de Canales
“Embassies: A New Paradigm for Urban Paranoia” by Marco Ferrari (Salottobuono)
Suggested Readings
Bruno Reichlin, “The Pros and Cons of the Horizontal Window: The Perret-Le Corbusier Controversy”, Daidalos 13, 1984, pp. 65-78.
Hannah Arendt, “The Public and the Private Realm”, in The Human Condition, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1998, pp.22-78
Tiqqun, Introduction to Civil War, Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 2010
US Embassy in London
Pin-up 1st Workshop
Symposium Alternative Initiatives Cuba
14:00 Welcome & Introduction Melissa Woolford
14:05 Havana, In Process Dr Francisco Gómez Díaz
14:20 The Economic Context Emily Morris
14:35 Tradition in Architecture Key Note Address Ricardo Porro
15:00 Round Table Discussion Dr Francisco Gómez Díaz, Emily Morris, Ricardo Porro, Moderator: Felipe Hernandez
15:15 Tea Break
15:35 Moderating the Public - Inscribing Matter Nuria Lombardero & Francisco Gonzalez de Canales
15:50 Development of Heritage in Old Havana Key Note Address Dr Eusebio Leal Spengler
16:20 Round Table Discussion Nuria Lombardero, Francisco Gonzalez de Canales, Dr Eusebio Leal Spengler, Moderator: Felipe Hernandez
16:35 Joint Round Table Discussion All Speakers Moderator: Brett Steele
17:00 Closing Remarks Melissa Woolford
Tutorials 1st Workshop_2
5.00 pm Joshua
5.30 pm Dimitri
6.00 pm Yonatan
6.30 pm Anthony
7.00 pm Yiming/Elora/Adora
8.00 pm Fatemeh + Francesca / Vidhya+Lara / Eliska
1st Workshop tutorial
W2 - Immediate Governance: Windows, doors, and transits
Symposium “In Context: Alternative Initiatives” RIBA (8th October)
Seminar “Reassessing the immediate: Doors” by Francisco Gonzalez de Canales.
Suggested Readings
Robin Evans, “Figures, Doors and Passages” in Translations from drawings to building and other essays, London: AA Publications, 1997, pp. 55-91.
Hannah Arendt, “Introduction into politics”, in The Promise of Politics, Schoken Books: New York 2005, pp. 93-200.
Paolo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life, Nueva York: Semiotext[e], 2005
Unit Brief
Profile tutors
He studied architecture at ESTA Seville, ETSA Barcelona and Harvard University, and worked for Foster + Partners and Rafael Moneo. An active architectural critic, he has previously lectured in England, México, Spain, and the USA, collaborated and worked in different architectural publications, and current AACP coordinator. He has recently completed his PhD on the radical domestic self-experimentations of the 1940s and 1950s. He teaches at the Architectural Association (Inter Unit 8 + MA History and Theory) and the University of Seville.
Nuria Álvarez Lombardero
She studied architecture at ETSA Madrid, an Mphil in ETSA Sevilla and an MA in Housing and Urbanism at the Architectural Association. She has worked for Machado and Silvetti Associates in Boston, and is part of Neutra Magazine editorial board. She has lectured in the University of Seville, ETSA Alcalá de Henares , ETSA Barcelona (UPC), University of Leuven and Architectural Association, and researched at Harvard University,University of Cambridge and the Architectural Association. She is finalishing her PhD on the dissolution of gendered bounderies traced by modern urban planning while teaching at the Architectural Association (Inter Unit 8) and Cambridge University.
Both Nuria and Francisco are the directors of Politics of Fabrication Lab AA Summer School that this year will stop in the University of Valparaiso, Chile.
Politics of Fabrication II
Inter 8 continues exploring the politics of today from its most basic manifestations
in the city, experimenting with new scenarios of political expression
in intentionally polemical locations. In today’s cities, where tourists
and natives, immigrants and citizens, temporary and life-long residents live
side by side, the traditional meaning of politics has changed. Consequently,
political representation does not seem to depend as much on constituencies,
but on direct, voluntary and unbinding associations among people
who assert their presence in the public arena. The unit posits the possibility
of redefining the political expression of the multitude as the making
visible of the relationship between everyday activities in public and the
particular material constructions that ultimately gives them political value.
This year the unit will be working on the Versailles Restaurant in the
Calle Ocho (SW 8 St.) of Little Havana, Miami. This has been the epicentre
of the political expression of Cuban exiles in the United States since 1971,
and manifests within its walls the invisible barriers that lie between Cuba
and the US. Students will analyse this building and the small public space
that sits in front and comprises invisible socio-political barriers into the
city. In doing so the unit will also explore the socio-cultural milieu in which
these are inscribed in order to redefine them within a sophisticated understanding
of politics today.
The year will begin with two small workshops in which students are
introduced to the political implications of architectural elements that are
used or seen in everyday life, such as the AA door entrance or the US
embassy perimeter in London. These architectural elements articulate the
relationship among different groups, such as Londoners and international
students, or between Britons and Americans.
Following this initial conceptual development, students are expected to
present their own critical arguments on the material articulation of the
changing associations of individuals within the public realm. After our site
visit to Little Havana, each student will propose a more specific urban
strategy for architectural systems able to articulate Cuban exiles and
Latinos´ associations with the city. Students will test the formal, programmatic,
atmospheric and constructive organisation of their design proposals
in relation to their arguments. Projects will address construction methods
that are able to be fabricated by the collective, relating the political expression
of the multitude with the fabrication level.