“Civil world is the free play of forms-of-life; it is the principle of their coexistence” Tiqqun, Introduction to civil world

Intense migration flows witnessed recently in big cities has been challenging the traditional understanding of the political organization of human living in the urban realm. The unprecedented clash of different forms-of-life due to these changing conditions has established not only a new relationship between inhabitation and the city, but also a redefinition of the key agents in political terms. Latest social unrest in Islamic countries has shown us that contemporary society concerns are not discussed in the traditional parliaments or councils anymore, but in the public spaces of the city itself.

Following this principle, Inter Unit 8Politics of fabrication II understands that the coexistence of diverse and conflicting forms-of-life in the contemporary city needs to be readdressed and reframed in the urban ground itself. This implies a new spatial and physical layout of enabling the presence and frictional interaction/negotiation of these forms-of-life of those who share the city. The location chosen is the city of Miami, the major entry point for Latin American immigrants in the United States. In particular, the focus of students work has been the Little Havana neighborhood, for years the epicentre of the political expression of the dominant Cuban immigrants and the most multicultural neighborhoods in the city at the present. In this area a pervading logic of city space privatization has lead to an increasing tension between individuals and groups with different cultural, social, ethnic and economical backgrounds inhabiting the neighborhood. Exploring this particular matter, students have thought about the importance of public space as the necessary space of encounter, interaction and negotiation between these different ways of living now present in the city, and recovering its political value in a contemporary Latin-American metropolis.


Tutorials 03.06.11

Next Friday 3rd of June we will give a last review to 3rd year portfolios and models as follows. Please bring them printed.

10.30 Adora
11.00 Elora
11.30 Yiming
12.00 Dimitri
2.00 Anthony
2.30 Joshua
3.00 Eliska


Tutorials 3rd years 01.06.11

Next Wednesday 3rd years will have tutorials to review portfolios. Please bring a A3 copy of your portfolios and your models.

10.30 Eliska
11.00 Joshua
11.30 Yiming
12.00 Anthony
2.00 Adora
2.30 Elora
3.00 Dimitri


Tutorials 27.05.11

Next Friday 27th of May all 3rd years should bring their portfolio pages printed to be reviewed. In addition, Francesca and fateeh should bring their final portfolios printed to be reviewed before final tables.

10.00 Eliska
10.30 Joshua
11.00 Anthony
11.30 Dimitri
12.00 Yiming

2.00 Adora
2.30 Elora
3.00 Fatemeh
3.30 Francesca

Second Year - End of the Year Reviews

Next Tuesday 31st of May 2nd years will have their end of the year reviews as follows,
Table 5
9:30 Miss Francesca Au
10.00 Mr Yonatan Buchhandler
10.30 Ms Vidhya Pushpanathan
11.00 Ms Lara Yegenoglu
11.30 Ms Fatemeh Ghasemi
1:00 LUNCH


Tutorials 25.5.11

Next Wednesday 25th of May all 2nd years should bring their portfolios printed to be reviewed in a tutorial as follows,

10.30 Yonatan
11.00 Fatemeh
12.00 Lara
12.30 Francesca
13.00 Vidhya


Meeting for exhibition

Next Monday 23th May at 2pm we will meet to talk about exhibition ideas.Let's meet in our unit space.Please be all there.


Tutorials 23.05.11

Next saturday 21st of May 2nd years will review their portfolios with us in the Unit Space as follows,

10.30 Francesca
11.00 Fatemeh
11.30 Vidhya
12.00 Lara
12.30 Yonatan

Only the following 3rd years should be there
2.30 Elora
3.00 Yiming

On Monday we will see the rest of 3rd years as follows
3.00 Joshua
3.30 Eliska
4.00 Anthony
4.30 Dimitri
5.00 Adora


Tutorials 18.05-19.05

2.00 Vidhya
2.30 Francesca
3.00 Lara
3.30 Fatemeh
4.00 Yonatan
4.30 Yiming
5.00 Joshua

10.30 Elora
11.00 Dimitri
11.30 Adora
12.00 Eliska
12.30 Anthony


Tutorials 13.05.11

Next Friday 13th of May we will have tutorials in the Unit space as follows.

10.30 Adora
11.00 Francesca
11.30 Yiming
12.00 famh
12.30 Elora

2.00 Dimitri
2.30 Anthony
3.00 Joshua
3.30 Yonatan
4.00 Vidhya
4.30 Lara
5.00 Eliska

keep working on your portfolios according to the individual reports sent to you yesterday